Greetings Greenthumbs! I'm Kathryn Hogan, and I'm here to tell you about my adventures in permaculture.

If you'd like to know more about me, check out my website!

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Seeds of Spring

Frost free days are still a month and a half away here in the high, northerly places of the world, but spring is in the air nonetheless. Today I moved the seed-trays that I started over the last few weeks outside to a little cold-frame in the warmest, sunniest part of the yard. About half have already sprouted, and I'm a bit worried about them getting too cold over night, but we just don't get enough sun through any of our windows to keep them inside any longer. The seedlings that have been going for a week or more are quite leggy, and lean way over towards the window.

I also prepared my two 'intensive beds' for veggies, and planted some onion bulbs, kale seeds carrot seeds and radish seeds directly into the beds. To prepare the beds, I used a modified 'lasagna method' of composting in place: I laid down about three inches of dead grass and hay, then put composted manure and finally topsoil, into which I planted the seeds. I planted the seeds in 'clumps' instead of rows or even hexagons. Some of the clumps of different species or varieties are overlapping. This is something new that I'm trying: we'll see how it turns out!

Grass will provide a buffet of nutrients for a variety of bacteria and beneficial soil organisms that will help my veggies to grow well. As it decomposes, it will also help build up the soil with rich humus, which will increase water retention.

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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